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Hear about DCYO from our students!

Audition Info

Auditions for the 2025-26 season of DCYO, YMO and YMB will be on Saturday, May 17 and Thursday, May 22. Use the request form below to reserve your day and time.

DCYO – $795
YMO – $585
YMB – $415

There are discounts of $50 for early registration and 4% for families with two or more enrolled students. Need-based financial aid is also available.

We welcome students from all geographic areasWe anticipate openings for all orchestral instruments.

Read more about our programs and be sure to review the audition requirements below. Then, use the request links to reserve your day and time.

For any questions, please contact

All audition decisions and seating assignments are made solely by the Music Directors.


Please read the audition guidelines for your instrument and review them with your music teacher.

DCYO requirements – click to expand

DCYO Audition Requirements

Auditions will be held in-person at Ardmore Presbyterian Church. Full directions will be emailed to each family after you have registered for an audition and your audition time has been confirmed.

Woodwind, Brass, and String Players, please also see the “Additional Information” section below

PREPARED PIECE: Students should play 4 minutes of prepared music that demonstrates both technical proficiency and lyrical ability. Students may choose to prepare 2 short selections that are no longer than 4 minutes total (one piece that is faster and more technical and one that is slow and more lyrical) if one piece cannot adequately demonstrate both styles. Prepared music may be taken from standard solo literature for your instrument, standard orchestral excerpts, or in some cases from advanced etudes. School ensemble selections (i.e. music from your school band concert) are not appropriate for this audition. The music does not have to be memorized.

SCALES: Students will be asked to play 1 or 2 major scales chosen by the audition committee. Students may choose the tempo and manner in which the scales are played. Multiple octave scales are expected as appropriate for each instrument. The audition committee can ask for any major scale up to 5 sharps and 5 flats.

SIGHT-READING: Students will be asked to sight-read a short excerpt. The sight-reading excerpt is used to gauge a student’s ability to quickly process and execute musical notation. Students will be evaluated based on accuracy of notes and rhythms as well as ability to follow musical indications (i.e., dynamics, articulations, etc.).


Percussionists should prepare two short excerpts: one on snare drum, and one on a mallet instrument, totalling no more than four minutes. Etudes, portions of solo literature or orchestral excerpts are all acceptable. A snare drum and xylophone will be available for the audition.

Harp and Piano

Please contact Mr. Hauze ( for information about what you should prepare for your audition.


  • Flutes should play or be willing to learn to play piccolo.
  • Oboes should play or be willing to learn to play English horn.
  • Ideally, Clarinetists in DCYO own both a B-flat and an A clarinet. If you do not have access to an A clarinet, you should be willing to transpose parts notated for an A clarinet.
  • Horns should be able to transpose parts not notated for F Horn, or be willing to learn transposition quickly.
  • Trumpets should be able to transpose parts not notated for B-flat trumpet, or be willing to learn transposition quickly. It is recommended, but not required, that students own both Bb and C trumpets.
  • Trombones should be able to read bass clef and tenor clef, and be willing to learn alto clef.

YMO requirements – click to expand

YMO Audition Requirements

Auditions will be held in-person at Ardmore Presbyterian Church. Full directions will be emailed to each family after you have registered for an audition and your audition time has been confirmed.

PREPARED PIECE: Students should play 4 minutes of prepared music that demonstrates both technical proficiency and lyrical ability. Students may choose to prepare 2 short selections that are no longer than 4 minutes total (one piece that is faster and more technical and one that is slow and more lyrical) if one piece cannot adequately demonstrate both styles. Prepared music may be taken from standard solo literature for your instrument, standard orchestral excerpts, or in some cases from advanced etudes. School ensemble selections (i.e. music from your school band concert) are not appropriate for this audition. The music does not have to be memorized.

Some suggested prepared pieces include:

  • Violin I: Etude, orchestral excerpt, or movement from sonata or concerto of level of Suzuki Book 6 or above (eg., Vivaldi Gm, Bach Am), reflecting 1st – 7th positions, with vibrato
  • Violin II: Etude, orchestral excerpt, or movement from sonata or concerto of level of Suzuki Book 4 or above (eg., Rieding op. 21, Vivaldi Am Concerto), reflecting 1st – 3rd positions, with beginning vibrato
  • Viola: etude, orchestral excerpt, or movement from sonata or concerto of level of Suzuki Book 3 or above (eg., Seitz Concerto No. 5, Vivaldi Dm), reflecting 1st – 3rd positions, with beginning vibrato
  • Cello: Etude, orchestral excerpt, or movement from sonata or concerto of level of Suzuki Book 3 or above, reflecting 1st – 5th positions, with beginning vibrato
  • Double Bass: Etude, orchestral excerpt, or movement from sonata or concerto
  • Winds and Brass (flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophones, horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba, percussion): Etude, orchestral excerpt, or movement from sonata or concerto

SCALES: Students will be asked to play 1 or 2 major scales chosen by the audition committee. Students may choose the tempo and manner in which the scales are played. Multiple octave scales are expected as appropriate for each instrument. The audition committee can ask for any major scale up to 3 sharps and 3 flats.

SIGHT-READING: Students will be asked to sight-read a short excerpt. The sight-reading excerpt is used to gauge a student’s ability to quickly process and execute musical notation. Students will be evaluated based on accuracy of notes and rhythms as well as ability to follow musical indications (e.g., dynamics, articulations, etc.).


Percussionists should prepare a snare drum excerpt. Students with mallet percussion experience should play a second short excerpt on a mallet instrument. Both excerpts should total no more than four minutes. Etudes, portions of solo literature or orchestral excerpts are all acceptable. A snare drum and xylophone will be available for the audition.

Harp and Piano

Please contact Mr. Pignataro ( for information about what you should prepare for your audition.

YMB requirements – click to expand

Auditions will be held in-person. Full directions will be emailed to each family after registration and audition time has been confirmed.
PREPARED PIECE: Students should play 3-4 minutes of a piece that represents their best playing. This can be a piece from a school ensemble, or an excerpt from a private lesson instructor.
SCALES: Students will be asked to play one scale over as many octaves as possible to perform in a comfortable range.
SIGHT-READING: Students will be asked to sight-read a short excerpt. Students will be evaluated based on accuracy of notes and rhythms.
Percussionists should prepare a snare drum excerpt. Students with mallet percussion experience should play a second short excerpt on a mallet instrument. Both excerpts should total no more than four minutes. School music, etudes, or portions of solo literature are all acceptable. A snare drum and xylophone will be available for the audition.
YMB also accepts School Band Director Nominations for any student interested in playing with the Young Musicians’ Band. Please send us a message at

Violin and flute students – Because of the large number of violin and flute students requesting auditions, DCYO generally only accepts those older than grade 7. Rare exceptions are made for very advanced players. We strongly encourage middle school violin and flute students to audition for YMO. For any questions, please contact

Audition Requests

Spring auditions for our 2025-26 season will be held on Saturday, May 17 from 9am to 4pm and Thursday, May 22 from 4pm to 9:30pm at the Ardmore Presbyterian Church.

To schedule a date and time for your DCYO, YMO or YMB audition, please use this link:

Schedule Audition

Direct audition questions to –